11B | SAF ID Card | 11B stands for the 11 basic info items found on it. |
5BX | 5 Basic Exercises | |
9B | SAFVC ID Card | 9B because SVs have less info. |
AT | Advanced Training | |
AVPU | Alert, Voice, Pain, Unresponsive | |
AWOL | Absent Without Official Leave | |
BIC | Battlefield Innoculation Course | Pew pew in the sand. |
BMT | Basic Military Training | What the NSFs go through for 2-6 months. |
BT | Basic Training | What SVs go through for 2 weeks. |
BTP Test | Basic Trainfire Package Test | |
CAF | Chief of Air Force | |
CAT1 | Category 1 Thunderstorm Warning | All outdoor activities stop. |
CDA | Chief of Army | |
CDF | Chief of Defence Force | |
CNV | Chief of Navy | |
CO | Commanding Officer | Usually, the officer in charge of a formation. Senior. |
Coy | Company | |
DB | Detention Barracks | |
DIS | Digital and Intelligence Service | |
DO | Duty Officer | |
DS | Duty Sergeant | |
FAD | First Aid Device | Bandage, kept in left cargo pocket. |
FAK | First Aid Kit | |
FBO | Full Battle Order | |
FSM | Formation Sergeant Major | Referred to as Sergeant Major. |
GFAK | Group First Aid Kit | |
HK ICT | High Key In-Camp Training | ICT that lasts 7 days or more. |
ICT | In-Camp Training | |
IFAK | Individual First Aid Kit | |
IFC | Individual Field Craft | |
iLBV | Integrated Load Bearing Vest | |
IMT | Individual Marksman Trainer | Pew pew in A/C. |
IPPT | Individual Physical Proficiency Test | |
LAW | Light Anti-tank Weapon | For SAF, this is typically the MATADOR. |
LBS | Load Bearing System | |
LK ICT | Low Key In-Camp Training | ICT that lasts 6 days or less. |
LOA | Letter of Authorisation | |
M203 | Single shoot 40mm under barrel grenade launcher | |
MATADOR | Man-portable, Anti-Tank, Anti-Door | 90mm one-time use. |
MO | Medical Officer | |
MUT | Make-Up Training | |
NATO | No Action Talk Only | |
NSF | National Serviceman (Full Time) | A person doing National Service for 2 years. |
NSman | National Service (Operationally Ready) | A person who has ORD'd. |
OC | Officer Commanding | Usually, the officer in charge of an activity. |
OCS | Officer Cadet School | |
OOC | Out of Course | |
ORD | Operationally Ready Date | The end of full-time National Service and the start of the NSman period. |
ORNS | Operationally Ready National Service | |
OTOT | Own Time, Own Target | |
PC | Platoon Commander | Usually a 2LT or LTA. |
PE | Personal Equipment | The gear that SAF issued to you. |
PES | Physical Employment Standard | |
QT | Qualification Training | |
RSAF | Republic of Singapore Air Force | |
RSN | Republic of Singapore Navy | |
SAF | Singapore Armed Forces | The entirety of the 4 branches |
SAF HSP | SAF Health Screening Programme | |
SAF100 | Official SAF Call Up Notice | |
SAF100V | Official SAF Call Up Notice for SVs | |
SAFSA | SAF Sporting Association | |
SAR21 | Singapore Assault Rifle - 21st Century | |
SAW | Section Assault Weapon | For SAF, this is typically the Unimax 100 light machine gun. |
SBO | Standard Battle Order | |
SC | Section Commander | Usually a 3SG. |
SCS | Special Cadet School | |
SMA | Sergeant Major of the Army | |
SOC | Standard Obstacle Course | |
SOL | Suspension of Leave | An NSF has committed a serious enough breach but avoided DB. |
WOSE | Warrant Officers, Specialists and Enlistees | |
WOSPEC | Warrant Officers and Specialists | |